divorce support

Weekly Wisdom 10/21/18

Bringing you weekly divorce support from around the web. I search the internet for articles relating to separation, divorce, and parenting so you don’t have to. Grab a cup of coffee, take a few minutes, and see what might enlighten and inspire you.


Divorce rates are on the decline, thanks to millennials-Millennials are waiting to get get married. As a result, some speculate this is the reason for the decline in divorce.  What do you think?

Gray divorces and tax changes complicate retirement-This article highlights the difficulties an economically dependent spouse often faces post-divorce.While the new tax laws directly impact alimony, there are consequences that may also impact retirement.


Room for Everyone: 10 Picture Books That Encourage Kindness-It is so important to teach our children to be kind.  I love these books!

5 Mothers on Their Co-Parenting Advice & Experiences– Can you relate to any of these experiences? Need help co-parenting with a difficult spouse? If so, contact me to learn how my coaching programs will help you communicate more effectively with your former spouse. 

Wellness, Resilience, & Self-care

How to Break Bad Habits, According to Science-Habits have three main parts: a cue, a routine, and a reward. When going through divorce, sometimes we can’t move forward and the scientific reasoning is similar to that of breaking a bad habit.  

Having Trouble Sleeping? 10 Tips To a Better Night’s Sleep-Getting enough sleep is a key ingredient to feeling good and thinking clearly. If you are having trouble sleeping, perhaps one of these tips will help you sleep better. 

Divorce is never easy. The decisions you make throughout the process will have lifelong consequences. Making the right decisions for you and your family from the beginning will save you time, money, and headaches down the road.

Whether you are at the beginning of the divorce process or struggling with the aftermath, as Your Divorce Coach I will be by your side helping you transform the way you experience divorce making it less stressful, less unpleasant, and potentially less expensive both emotionally and financially.