Happiness Challenge

Take the Happiness Challenge

“If you want to be happy, be”
- Leo Tolstoy

When you are feeling miserable and your life is in chaos it is easier to dwell on the negative rather than try to find the positive in your situation. Happiness is within your reach. YOU have the power to take responsibility for the impact your attitude has on your life and the life of those around you.

Take the HAPPINESS CHALLENGE: Commit to yourself that for one week instead of waiting for something or someone to make you happy, decide to just be happy. Notice how that mindset shift influences the things that go on around you and write them in your journal or on a piece of paper.

Need help getting started?  Here are some suggestions:

Acts of Kindness

One day during your challenge do as many extra acts of kindness as you can for others. Note how many acts of kindness you did and how you felt before and after.

One Good Thing

At the end of each day of the challenge, write down one good thing that happened that day and why you believe it was good.

Be Active-Do Something That Makes You Happy

For at least 10 minutes each day do something physically active and that you enjoy.

Connect With Others

People with strong and broad social relationships are happier, healthier, and live longer. Studies suggest that if you want to be happier you should focus on relationships. According to an article in Psychology Today, “our close relationships keep us grounded and influence both happiness and the sense that we are part of a larger community. Interestingly, even our interactions with people we do not know that well give us a sense that we are part of that larger community.” Here are three ways to connect with others:

  • At least one day during the challenge, smile at everyone you encounter during your day.
  • Schedule quality time at least 3 times during the challenge with 3 different people. Meet a friend or family member for coffee, plan an activity, make a phone call rather than sending a text, or schedule special time with your child, for example.
  • Consciously communicate with your former spouse. Show up to the conversation ready to have a heartfelt conversation without any melodrama or accusations.

Disconnect from Social Media

Choose one day during the challenge and commit to being unplugged. If a whole day seems impossible, try committing to a few hours.  

Get Organized and Declutter

Choose one room in your house that you have been meaning to declutter and organize and commit to doing it during the challenge.

The path to happiness is a journey that everyone must take. Everyday is not going to be sunshine and rainbows. Some days are going to be harder than others, and there may be days that seem impossible. However, when you make a conscious effort to create your own happiness, it is easier to cope with setbacks and bounce back from those dark days.

Once you have completed your Happiness Challenge let me know if you noticed a difference in your perspective.  Did your mindset change? Where you better able to handle life’s challenges? Leave a comment or contact me here.