January is divorce month

Is Divorce on Your New Year’s Resolution List?

If divorce is on your New Year’s resolution list you are not alone. 

Worried about the impact divorce will have on their three kids, Debbie has suffered in silence. Hoping, wishing, praying things will get better, but they always end up the same, or worse. Drowning in self doubt, worry, and fear Debbie realized she did not want to have another holiday season like this past one. She is not alone.

January has been referred to as “divorce month” by divorce professionals because they tend to see an increase in inquiries following the holidays.

Four reasons why divorce inquiries increase in January:

  • Parents don’t want their kids to associate the holidays with divorce.
  • Holidays can be stressful and often highlight the cracks in an already crumbling marriage. 
  • Self reflection and New Year’s resolutions prompt partners to evaluate their lives and determine what they really want moving forward. 
  • Financial issues, such as tax filing status, keep some couples together until end of the year. 

Debbie’s worry and fear about the impact a separation will have on her children has kept her stuck. I shared with her that research has shown that divorce does not harm kids, conflict does. 

“The number one predictor of children’s maladjustment during and after divorce is the level of conflict between their parents. When parents cannot model an amicable relationship with each other, are angry with each other, and engaged in the “battle” of divorce, their children are caught in the middle, drawn into taking sides, and they suffer.” (Carol Hughes)

Debbie knew that the stress and overwhelm she was suffering through was emotionally and physically debilitating. Unable to focus and prioritize she was not showing up as the mother, partner, co-worker, and woman she knew she could be.  

How do you become your highest best self when you are spinning, swirling, and drowning in overwhelm and misery? 

That is where I come in- helping you harness your power and turn your divorce into a better future for yourself and your children.  Sharing tools and techniques so you can create a conflict free plan, communicate more effectively, release what you can’t control, and focus on rebuilding one piece at a time. 

Ready to stop spinning and reclaim your power? Contact me to schedule a free 30 minute consultation.

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