Family Law

Divorce Attorneys Might Be Missing Out

If you are a family law attorney and you are NOT collaborating with divorce coaches, you are missing an opportunity for yourself and your clients.  Here are 5 reasons why:

  1. Divorce coaches are great referral partners. The divorce process is overwhelming. Many people are looking for coaches before they hire an attorney. Clients often have legal questions, and since coaches can’t provide legal advice they will refer their clients to an attorney. 

  2. Emotions are on overdrive during divorce. If your client is reacting rather than responding they will not be in a position to listen or make important decisions. A trauma informed coach trained in somatic practice can provide the necessary tools clients can use to calm a jacked up nervous system. When clients are able to manage their emotions they are better able to make decisions and explore options and alternatives.
  3. Communication between warring spouses can become ugly, especially when emotions are heightened. A certified divorce coach helps clients unhook from conflict and break dysfunctional patterns of behavior with their spouse that were ever-present during their marriage. When clients have the tools to respond rather than react to emotion filled email or text messages, conflict is lessened. Your client also presents better during mediation or if you end up before a judge. 
  4. When the legal divorce ends, clients are often surprised by grief, anger and other emotions they thought would end with the granting of the divorce. Clients don’t know how to co-parent with a high conflict ex, or move forward now that they are single.  Clients who work with a coach have a much easier time transitioning post-divorce. 
  5. A divorce coach not only helps ease the financial and emotional pain of divorce for clients but also eases the stress family lawyers encounter when their clients are spinning out in overwhelm, fear, and frustration. This creates a better attorney/client relationship which leads to greater client satisfaction. Greater client satisfaction leads to repeat business and referrals. 

As a family law attorney now practicing exclusively as a certified divorce coach with training in trauma and somatic practices, I bring a unique perspective to my coaching practice.  If you would like to add a divorce coach to your client’s team, email me or comment below and let’s chat.