The Secret Key to Dropping the Divorce Drama

Hello Beautiful,

Are you feeling stuck, wondering why you are not living the life you desire? Do you find yourself looking backward at the life you had rather than focusing on the life you are building? Did you know that you always see what you ask for? 

I am inviting you to a FREE workshop where you will learn the secret key everyone going through divorce or already divorced needs to know. 🔑

Where you place you focus and attention is where your energy flows. You will become aware of where your focus and attention currently is and learn why that is keeping you from living the life you desire.

You will understand that your words matter and that the universe does not work in negatives so you can be sure you are asking for what you want, not what you don’t want!

If you are ready to drop the drama and do divorce differently, this workshop is not to be missed!

When: Thursday November 3rd at 12:00 p.m. ET 

Where: Zoom (Registration required-see link below) Can’t attend live, no problem you can watch the replay!

P.S. The doors are open to Happiest Holiday Ever-6 week group coaching experience.

The holidays are just around the corner, and you get to make it your happiest, more powerful season yet. This 6 week experience will help you drop the drama and embody peace, ease and joy. Because divorce isn’t the end, it’s the beginning. 

P.S.S. If you know someone who might be interested in my free workshop and/or the Happiest Holiday Ever Group Coaching Experience, please forward this email to them. Thank you!