Divorce Support: Weekly Wisdom 10/28/18

Your Divorce Coach brings you weekly divorce support and wisdom from around the web. I search the internet for interesting, informative, and helpful articles relating to separation, divorce, and parenting just for you. Grab a cup of coffee, take a few minutes, and see what might enlighten and inspire you.


California pets with divorcing owners just scored a legal win-Wondering who will get the pet in your divorce? It depends on what state you live in.  California recently passed a law that allows courts to order sole or joint ownership based on care of the pet.

Who keeps your pet during divorce
Divorce: Who Keeps Your Pet?

Is Living Together Before Marriage Linked to Divorce?-It depends which study you believe. One study found that couples who lived together before marriage had a lower divorce rate in their first year of marriage. However, they had a higher divorce rate after five years. Another study using much of the same data concluded that premarital cohabitation seemed to make couples less likely to divorce. Contemplating divorce? Work with Your Divorce Coach and together we will explore options & potential obstacles. Whatever you decide, we will build a strategic plan so you can move forward with confidence.


Halloween Safety Tips for Trick or Treating-10 common sense tips you should read before trick or treating with your kids. It is not too late to figure out a plan for Trick or Treating. Read my recent blog post Co-Parenting: Happy Halloween or Halloween Nightmare?

Discipline Mistakes Divorced Parents Often Make-Are you guilty of making these mistakes? Working with Your Divorce Coach will provide you with the necessary tools to communicate more effectively with your children and your former spouse and help you avoid making these parenting errors.

Wellness, Resilience, & Self-Care

Self Care Strategies a Divorce Lawyer Recommends to Her Clients-Divorce is stressful. Exercise, nourishing your mind, body, and soul, as well as challenging yourself to step outside your comfort zone are all great strategies for managing stress. In order to be your best self you need to feel good inside and out. Often this is easier said than done. I will provide you with the tools needed to be your best when life is at its worst.

Six Things To Do For Yourself After DivorceOnce you are divorced the challenges don’t end.  Figuring out who you are and who you want to be, co-parenting, dating, and feeling lonely are just some of the post divorce challenges you may face. Work with Your Divorce Coach to develop strategies and techniques to overcome whatever obstacles are preventing you from living your best life.

Don't be afraid to ask for help

Divorce is never easy. The decisions you make throughout the process will have lifelong consequences. Making the right decisions for you and your family from the beginning will save you time, money, and headaches down the road.

Whether you are at the beginning of the divorce process or struggling with the aftermath, Your Divorce Coach will be by your side helping you transform the way you experience divorce. We will strive to make it less stressful, less unpleasant, and potentially less expensive both emotionally and financially.