How to hire a divorce attorney

Seven Tips To Find and Hire The Right Divorce Attorney

Whether you were blindsided by your spouse, you initiated the split, or you both agreed to a separation, it is important to find and hire a divorce attorney who is right for you and your case. But how do you know where to find an attorney and which ones to contact?  Here are some tips to help you figure it out.

Ask for Referrals

A logical place to start is by asking people you know for a divorce attorney referral.

  • Friends, family, and coworkers who have either been thru divorce or know someone who has will likely have a name or two to share with you.  
  • Lawyers, accountants, therapists, members of the clergy and other professionals who meet and work with family law attorneys will likely have connections.
  • Your Divorce Coach may be able to provide you with the names of family law attorneys who share your philosophy.
  • Local or State Bar Associations usually have lists of attorneys organized by practice area. While a personal recommendation is preferable to a generic list, this option gives you a place to start if you are not comfortable asking for a personal recommendation.

As you make a list of divorce attorneys to interview, keep in mind that every client and every case is different. The lawyer-client relationship is highly personal to each case. While others’ impressions of a particular attorney are are useful, you should meet with the lawyer and make your own judgment.

Does the Divorce Attorney Primarily Practice Family Law

When considering attorneys to interview, determine whether they practice many different types of law or if their practice is focused primarily on family law. Depending on the complexity of your issues, you may want an attorney whose sole focus is family law. 

Think about whether you are more comfortable working with a sole practitioner or a full service law firm. There are pros and cons to both.

Sole Practitioner:

  • Know exactly who you will be working with
  • Easier to develop a good working relationship
  • May not be as readily available for emergency questions

Law Firm:

  • Typically someone with knowledge of your case is available when you have questions
  • The person you interview may not be the person working your case day to day as a senior lawyer typically delegates to associates and paralegals.  
  • Varying fees based on who works on your case

Another factor to consider is whether or not the attorney is trained in Collaborative Divorce. If you are considering this option, make sure to ask this question. 

Determine What You Can Afford

Just because a lawyer charges more per hour does not necessarily mean you will get better service and a better settlement. The quality of representation you receive may or may not be worth the higher price. Well-qualified family law attorneys can be found in all price ranges. Whether or not cost is a concern for you, don’t reject a referral just because the attorney charges for an initial consult. Remember, you are interviewing the lawyer in order to help you decide whom to hire. You will not learn enough about the attorney unless you are able to talk about your case and hear what the attorney thinks about it.

Does Location Matter To You

Where the attorney’s office is located in relation to your home or work may or may not be important to you. In some cases you will only meet with your attorney a few times and the location of their office may not be that important.  In other instances you may need to meet with your lawyer several times a month, especially if your case has complex issues, is high-conflict, or you are gearing up for mediation or litigation. Ease in getting to their office may be an issue for you especially if you need to get to work, or pick up kids from school or daycare.  

Listen to you Gut

After you interview a lawyer, if you are not comfortable for any reason, you should trust your instinct and not hire that attorney. In order to work effectively with your divorce attorney you must feel comfortable sharing intimate details of your personal life.  If you feel uneasy or believe they don’t share your philosophy on how your case should be handled you will end up feeling frustrated and unhappy.

Interview More Than One Divorce Attorney

Even if you feel confident with the first lawyer you interview, it is always good to get a second opinion. Lawyers have different perspectives and you may get different views on how your case should be handled.  If this happens, you can think about which path you want to follow. The urgency of your situation, the time available to you, and the number of lawyers in your area may also dictate how many attorneys you interview.  You should also note that once an attorney meets with you, they cannot represent your spouse, even if you do not ultimately retain them. If you are having difficulty choosing whom to hire, as Your Divorce Coach I will walk you through your options and help you determine the attorney who will be best for you.  

Before You Interview a Single Attorney, Make a List of Questions

Divorce is stressful and unpleasant, even when you are the one who initiates the process.  It is natural for you to be nervous and emotional and you may find it difficult to focus. If you prepare a list of questions in advance, when you go to the initial consultation, even if you are unable to focus, you will be less likely to forget to ask important questions. In order to remember what the lawyer tells you, bring a pen and paper to your meeting and make notes.

Having difficulty figuring out which attorney will be best for you? Unsure what questions you should be asking?  I will walk you through your options so you can make a confident and informed decision. I will prepare you for your initial consultation, as well as subsequent attorney meetings, by brainstorming questions and focusing on what you believe is important, so you can confidently and efficiently utilize the time you have with your attorney.  


  1. Jocelyn McDonald

    My sister recently found out hr husband wants a divorce, and I suggested she hire a lawyer soon to help her with this. Your article had some great tips for choosing someone like this, and I liked how you said to avoid hiring a lawyer that makes you feel uneasy doesn’t share your philosophy on how the case should be handled. This will only end in frustration and unhappiness, so I’ll be sure to share this with my sister to help choose a great divorce lawyer.

    1. admin

      Thank you so much for your comment! I greatly appreciate it. Has your sister found a lawyer yet? If not, let me know if I can assist. I understand how overwhelming the process and the challenges of her new reality can be. Pain, confusion, and fear can cloud judgment and make clear decision making impossible. Even with the support of friends, family, and her lawyer, there is often something still missing. This is where I come in. I offer a free consultation so your sister can learn how divorce coaching can benefit her.

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