Is Your Marriage Headed For Divorce?

Are you wondering whether your marriage is headed for divorce? Often the desire to make changes in the new year drives people to reassess their marriage and figure out whether they should stay or go.  According to an article in, the three most common reasons for divorce are Infidelity, Lack of Communication and Financial Troubles.

“The reason infidelity is cited as the main cause for divorce is because once discovered, it is extremely difficult to salvage the marriage.”


Many marriages that end in divorce are due to an extra-marital affair. According to expert Ruth Houston, “an affair often starts as an innocent friendship that develops into a physical relationship”. When a spouse cheats, there is usually an underlying problem in the marriage. While sometimes it is just about sex and a blatent lack of respect for that partner’s spouse, often it is to fill a void that the cheating spouse feels is missing in the marriage. The affair may provide a sense of self-esteem, power, control, or intimacy that one spouse believes is lacking in their relationship. 

The reason infidelity is cited as the main cause for divorce is because once discovered, it is extremely difficult to salvage the marriage. Can you ever trust this person again? Sometimes the betrayal is so hurtful that it is too much for the non-cheating spouse to bare. Can a marriage survive after an affair? It is possible with a lot of hard work if both partners commit to saving their relationship.

Lack of Communication

Not being able to effectively communicate leads to frustration, anger, and resentment. Poor communication ultimately impacts all aspects of your marriage. Experts say that good communication is the key to a strong marriage. You may be headed for divorce if you are:

  • talking at your spouse rather than to your spouse,
  • ignoring each other, or
  • making comments under your breath.

Feeling heard and understood is important in a marriage.  Without this, loneliness and loathing builds until the realtionship can no longer handle the pressure. 

“Financial issues don’t discriminate — they can unravel marriages between wealthy couples and couples who are struggling month to month.

Financial Troubles

Money, or lack there of, can be a constant source of stress for married couples. Different spending habits or financial goals can put a strain on your relationship. When one spouse earns considerably more than the other, a power struggle can push a marriage to its breaking point. Financial issues don’t discriminate — they can unravel marriages between wealthy couples and couples who are struggling month to month. According to Business Insider, financial infidelity, just like sexual infidelity, raises issues of trust and honesty.  If a spouse has

  • a secret bank account;
  • undisclosed debt;
  • hidden purchases; or
  • a gambling addiction

their marriage may suffer. 

If you find yourself saying yes to any of these reasons for divorce, or others, now is the time to speak with a Certified Divorce Coach®. Don’t take the chance of making mistakes fueled by stress or not knowing what you don’t know. The issues rooted in the “stay or go” dilemma are never simple. There are many factors that must be considered and weighed before making one of the biggest decisions of your life.