Divorce Support: Weekly Wisdom 10/14/18

Bringing you weekly divorce support from around the web. I search the internet for articles relating to separation, divorce, and parenting so you don’t have to. Grab a cup of coffee, take a few minutes, and see what might enlighten and inspire you.


5 Signs You Need a Divorce– I found sign #3 interesting: Small Arguments Don’t Happen Anymore. When couples no longer care to fight it is a sign they have given up emotionally. This is a better indication of divorce then if couples argue.

Women: Divorce Proof Your Business Now-I agree with the author, the best way to divorce proof your business is before marriage, but if that is not possible, certainly do so well before you are contemplating divorce.  


6 Ways Fathers Can Stay Connected To Their Kids After Divorce-I believe the tips offered in this article apply to both mothers and fathers.  I especially like divorce support tip #1; be an active and engaged parent no matter how much parenting time you have.

Stop and Think Before Buying Your Kids More Stuff-Do you find yourself, or your former spouse, giving in to your kids more often because you feel guilty about your divorce? When parents are able to manage their emotions they are better equipped to effectively handle their children’s demands.

Wellness, Resilience, & Self-Care

9 Steps to Conscious Healing After Breakup or Divorce-This divorce support article lays out nine steps you can take to heal after your divorce and find peace among the chaos.